Import/Export Metrics

Exporting Metrics

There are two ways to export, or download, metrics to a CSV -- all metrics or individual metrics.

To download all of the metrics and their measurements into a single CSV file, select the download button on the metrics app. 

Navigate to the downloaded file on your computer. The file includes the following information for all metrics: metric name, unit, date of measurements, value, status, and notes. 

Alternatively, you can download individual metrics and its measurements. Identify your metric and select the "More Actions" button. Then select "Download Measurements."

Navigate to the downloaded file on your computer. The file includes the following information for the selected metric: metric name, unit, date of measurements, value, status, and notes. 

Importing Measurements for a Metric

You can also import measurements for a metric from a CSV file into the Metrics application.

You must first create a metric for the import (or identify a metric from your list.) 

Select the "More Actions" button on the metric. Then select "Import Measurements."

From the import window, you can review help information, view a sample CSV, and choose you file to import.

To view help information, select the "i." You can review this information from this window which provides you with guidance and context about what will or will not work.

For your CSV file to be valid, it must have exactly four headers (or columns) on the first row with the following values: Measured On, Measurement Value, Measurement Status, Measurement Notes

"Measured On" values must be a date format such as "2022-01-05" or "2020/01/05."

"Measurement Value" values must be a number such as "100" or "9.7."

"Measurement Status" values must be one of the following: "Not started," "Off track," "Slow progress," "On track," or "Completed." If left blank this will default to "Not started."

"Measurement Notes" should be text only. Emoticons or other non text characters will not work.

A sample CSV file is also included by selecting the "Download Sample CSV" link. We recommend modeling your spreadsheet after this example.

When you're ready for the import, select the "Choose File" button and select your CSV file from your computer. Then select "Import Measurements" button.

If your file was invalid, you will see a notification informing you. Please go back and review your file format and layout and ensure it meets the import criteria.

If your file was valid, it will save the measurements to the metric